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Image by lucas Favre

Bearded Trophies

Thank you for visiting Bearded Trophies. Beards are a symbol of Masculinity, Power, and Virility. We are here to serve you beard products you can enjoy and benefit from. Let us be another tool you can use to conquer your dreams and look bold along the way.

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Head to our Facebook to be a part of the Bearded Trophies community. Stay up to date on new releases and the latest scents. Here, you can also recommend your favorite scents and blends. Bearded Trophies is more than just a brand. We are here to connect Leaders and serve the community around us. Social media is a tool we will use to do just that.

Image by Fulvio Ciccolo
Man Hiking in Wilderness

What are Bearded Trophies?

Bearded Trophies is the epitome of the best Men the world has to offer. Everyone knows someone worthy of the title "Bearded Trophy". Someone that changes the atmosphere in the room. Someone that steps up and stands up when no one else will. Someone that puts in the time to make lives better for others. They may never see an actual trophy for the goodness they bring into the world, but they wear the title every day. These men put in countless hours day in and day out, giving everything they have leaving nothing on the table and yet they will still tell you that they are not doing enough. These men are Providers, Leaders, and seekers of constant improvement.

Cyclists in the Mountains

About Us

Bearded Trophies was created with the purpose in mind to create affordable beard oil and beard products without the harsh chemicals and fillers. Our products are organic and crafted for sensitive skin of all kinds to help protect you from the harsh elements of your daily grind. 

Bearded Trophies

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